International Lounge

This lounge is available for visitors and exhibitors from overseas.
Beverages and snacks are served.
WiFi is also available.

This is a business meeting space that visitors and exhibitors can use for free.
There are 100 seats (4 seater x 25spaces).
Free WiFi is available.

Location: South Hall 3
Opening Houres: 9:00 to 17:00 (Until 16:00 on the last day)

This is a telework space that visitors and exhibitors can use for free.
There is a space with a partition for each seat, and 24 seats are available.
Electrical outlets and free WiFi are also available.

Location: South Hall 3
Opening Houres: 9:00 to 17:00 (Until 16:00 on the last day)
Free Rest Area

The free rest area is set up in the Restaurants Avenue of Tokyo Big Sight.
Anyone can use it.
Lunch boxes will also be sold.

Location: Restaurants Avenue
Hours: 9:00-17:00 (until 16:00 on November 13)
Seats: About 160 seats