November 10 (Thu.) 9:00〜17:25
November 11 (Fri.) 9:00~17:35
Overall theme "Challenge for the new era – Monozukuri revolution by digital technology"
Various lecturers from Japan and overseas give lectures on the latest technology trends in four sessions, “Manufacturing trends towards GX”, "Manufacturing premise changing with DX”, “Innovative manufacturing technology as a game changer” and “Control/mechatronics technology to support precision" .

For the registration and inquiries for Oral Session
Japan Machine Tool Builders' Association
International Machine Tool Engineers' Conference Office
November 8 (Tue.) ~ November 13 (Sun.)
*Personnel who give explanations from participating organizations are scheduled to be present from 13:00 to 16:00 on November 10 (Thu.) and 11 (Fri.), and from 9:00 to 12:00 on November 12 (Sat.).
"Poster session" is held in the East Hall 7 to present the results of research related to machine tools by universities and research institutes in Japan and overseas by poster format.