*Pre-registration is required for lectures and seminars.
On-site registration is accepted on a space available basis only.
*Speakers and programs can be changed without notice.
November 17 (Thu.) 13:30~14:30
Future Development of Artificial Intelligence and Application to Industrial Machinery
Junichi Tsujii
Director, Artificial Intelligence Research Center,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
November 18 (Fri.) 13:00~14:00
New Vehicle-Manufacturing Advancing Together with Machine Tool Industry
Yoshihito Kondo
Executive General Manager, Unit Production Engineering Field,
Power Train Company, Toyota Motor Corporation
November 21 (Mon.) 13:00~14:00
The Global Economy and the Near Future Business Management of the Manufacturing Industry
Motoshige Itoh
Professor, the Faculty of International Social Sciences,
Gakushuin University and Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo
November 22 (Tue.) 11:00~12:00
Relationships between CFRP and Machine Tools:
Processing and Application of CFRP
Takashi Ishikawa
Designated Professor of Nagoya University, SAMPE Global President
November 22 (Tue.) 13:30~15:00
A Japanese contribution to Smart Manufacturing "IVI (Industrial Value Chain Initiative)"
Hatsuko Kouroku
IVI Evangelist