南2大厅 参展商研习会场


JIMTOF2022 参展商研习会 

Nov. 8 (Tue.) Nov. 9 (Wed.) Nov. 10 (Thu.) Nov. 11 (Fri.) Nov. 12 (Sat.) Nov. 13 (Sun.)

Japanese(including interpretation)    English

November 8 (Tue.)
(+81)-45-478-5561 G1 AM129:

【Workshop name】 Smart Manufacturing- Casting Solution for Sandcasting to keep up with production
【Lecturer】 Makoto Arai
【Application Method】 Please contact us by email (
G2 AM105 :
Matsuura Machinery Corporation

【Workshop name】 Case study for Hybrid Metal 3D printer “LUMEX”
【Lecturer】 Mitsuyoshi Yoshida
【Application Method】 Please visit our website (Click here)
(+81)-3-5798-2500 G3 AM128 :
3D Systems Japan

【Workshop name】 Selecting 3D Printer for End Use Parts Production
【Lecturer】 Takao Namiki, Sales Director, Industrial Solution Group, 3D Systems
【Application Method】 Please visit our website (Click here)
November 9 (Wed.)
H2 AM224 :
Ametek Co., Ltd.

【Workshop name】 Direct 3D printing accuracy verification with high spec 3D Scanner
【Lecturer】 Stratasys Takeuchi, Creaform Oda
【Application Method】 Please visit our website (Click here)
(+81)-276-25-4856 H3 AM116 :
Gunma AM Platform

【Workshop name】 AM business model Gunma AM Platform targets for
【Lecturer】 Ms. Hiroko Suzuki, Representative Director, Gunma AM Platform
【Application Method】 Please contact us by phone
Please visit our website (Click here)
Please contact us by email (
(+81)-3-6275-0870  H4 E5034:
Vero Software KK

【Workshop name】 Hexagon Additive Manufacturing Solution
【Lecturer】 Toru Nagai / Ryuta Kawaguchi, Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence division
【Application Method】 Please visit our website (Click here)
November 10 (Thu.)
(+81)-3-5449-8400 J1 AM121:
Switzerland Innovation

【Workshop name】 Additive Manufacturing Innovation in Switzerland
【Lecturer】 Toshihiro Matsuda, Swiss Business Hub Japan, Embassy of Switzerland
【Application Method】 Please visit our website (Click here)
(+81)-3-6265-1568 J2 AM110 :
BMF Japan Inc.

【Workshop name】 PµSL, an Ultra-High Resolution 3D Printing and its Distinctive Application
【Lecturer】 Tamura Akio
【Application Method】 Please contact us by phone
Please visit our website (Click here)
Please contact us by email (
(+81)-3-6715-1884 J3 AM206:
IWAMA Co., Ltd.

【Workshop name】 Ultra-fast metal 3D printing based on a new principle, 3D printing mass production and implementation in the fashion field.
【Lecturer】 Sun Metalon Inc. CEO&Co-founder Kazuhiko Nishioka、FREE-D Digital Design Director Masaharu Ono
【Application Method】 Please visit our website (Click here)
Please contact us by email (
(+81)-46-271-6580  J4 AM109 :
Mitsubishi Corporation Technos

【Workshop name】 3D Printer business of General Electric and Mitsubishi Corporation Technos's SKD printing
【Lecturer】 Wataru Nishimura Sales Director GE Additive, Takafumi Hieda Senior Manager Additive Manufacturing Solution Dept. Mitsubishi Corporation Technos
【Application Method】 Please contact us by phone
Please visit our website (Click here)
Please contact us by email (
November 11 (Fri.)
(+1)-610-208-2000 K1 AM214 :
LPW Technology Japan Co., Ltd.

【Workshop name】 Overveiw of Carpenter Additve and its premium powder for AM
【Lecturer】 Kazumasa Kudo
(+81)-3-3218-6822 K2 AM114 :

【Workshop name】 Wire-Laser DED Metal 3D Printer
【Lecturer】 Shuichi Fujikawa
【Application Method】 Please contact us by phone
Please contact us by email (
(+81)-45-479-8400 K3 AM112 :
Sodick Co.,Ltd.

【Workshop name】 AM materials change mold technology
【Lecturer】 Itaru Matsumoto
【Application Method】 Please visit our website (Click here)
K4 AM220 :
Dassault Systemes K.K.

【Workshop name】 Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes on the Integrated Development Platform
【Lecturer】 SIMULIA Industry Process Consultant | Atsushi Umezaki

【Application Method】 Please visit our website (Click here)
Please contact us by email (
November 12 (Sat.)
L2 AM108:
JBM Engineering corporation

【Workshop name】 The sustainable society is realized by potential of Additive Manufacturing.
【Lecturer】 Yayoi Maeda
【Application Method】 Please visit our website (Click here)
(+81)-3-6275-0871 L3 E5034:
Vero Software KK

【Workshop name】 [Hexagon] Introduction to the repair of mold&die combining digital technology and metal additive manufacturing
【Lecturer】 Yuichi Kondo: Business Development, Hexagon Metrology & Production Software Business Unit
【Application Method】 Please contact us by email (
L4 AM224:
Ametek Co., Ltd.

【Workshop name】 Creaform 3D Scanner to realize 3D measurement automation for manufacturing process DX
【Lecturer】 Yuichi Tatetsu
【Application Method】 Please visit our website (Click here)
November 13 (Sun.)
(+81)-52-953-1502 M2 AM216:
Data Design Co., Ltd.

【Workshop name】 The advantages of Replacing Aluminum Machining with Carbon Fiber 3D Printing
【Lecturer】 Thomas H. Pang, Ph.D.
【Application Method】 Please visit our website (Click here)