AM and 3D printing is also a captivating trend in machine tools industry, and is highly expected as an innovative technology in manufacture that enables reduction in the number of parts, shorter lead time and high-mix low-volume production.
The special concurrent exhibition“ Additive Manufacturing Area in JIMTOF 2024” is an area created specifically for presenting AM products and technologies and providing information more effectively and continuously, aimed to create new opportunities for business talks.

Concurrent Exhibition of JIMTOF specializing in Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing
This Area is presented as a fair in fair of JIMTOF.
JIMTOF, one of the largest international machine tools fairs in Japan, brings together top level machine tools manufacturers in the world and serves as a p latform to showcase their new machine models.
In this Area, you can expect various actual products of AM and 3D printers as the theme items of the area will be exhibited and demonstrated by many manufacturers of machine tools and other products, which is an attractive feature of JIMTOF.

Potential to attract visitors, with a focus on the manufacturing industry, and ample opportunities to talk business face to face
A large number of people in the manufacturing sector in and outside Japan visit JIMTOF, a comprehensive showcase of items
from across the manufacturing spectrum.
Among them are a lot of executives and purchase decision makers, and businesspersons who actually handle and are directly involved in the purchase of machine tools.
Many visitors who are interested in AM and 3D printing products are also expected to this Area, which means the area serves as a platform for exhibitors to directly promote their products and technologies to visitors involved in product purchasing and offers opportunities to talk concrete business.

■ Concurrent Programs

■ The same exhibitor services as JIMTOF 2024

"Additive Manufacturing Area in JIMTOF 2024"